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  Code and Music - Dave
  Graphics and Design - Den

 Thanks to:
    Acid Software for Blitz Basic 2
    Electronic Arts for DPaint IV
    Cloanto for PPaint
    Teijo Kinnunen for Octamed
    Pink Pig Software for the inspirational Blob Kombat
    Walt Disney

 And to Playtesters:
    Simon `Kamikaze' Reilly
    James `Really Good At MasterBlaster' Wilde
    Dan `Trekkie' Pearson
    David Wildman
    Rich' Ng
    Andrew Clifton
    Claire (hair) Pear(drop)son
    Rob `Hendrix' Frost
    Beccy `Bassooooooooon' Hancox

 Sorry to:
    Various people we undoubtably missed off of the above lists.